The 3M™ Advanced Systems Tester 900AST measures AC and DC voltage,
conductor and insulation resistance with foreign voltage compensation
capability, and capacitance. It can also conduct soak test measurements
– extended period resistance measurements that can expose moisture or
corrosion-induced faults – as well as a four-wire precision contact resistance
measurement. This multi-functional test set can even simulate a load lamp
and provide an interrupted ID tone for locating a particular wire. Coupled
with its RFL and TDR functions, the 900AST tester is the total solution for avionics
maintenance wiring problems.
Features & Benefits :
- Voltage – measures the level of DC or AC voltage
-Load test – measures the current flowing through a simulated internal
load lamp
-Resistance – measures conductor and insulation resistance with foreign
voltage compensation capability
-Soak test – an extended-period resistance measurement that
can expose moisture or corrosion-induced faults; the soak is usually performed
between a conductor and shield/airframe ground
-Contact resistance – a precision 4-wire resistance measurement for
sub-ohm measurements
Capacitance meter – measures the capacitance of a component or circuit
ID tone – applies an adjustable, interrupted AC signal for wire locating
-Resistive Fault Location (RFL) – precisely locates the distance to a
resistive fault
- Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) – supports user–selectable pulse
width, length setting, gain, velocity of propagation and noise filter
Auto TDR - automatically analyzes a conductor or circuit for faults