Product description

PSA Non-Flammable Aircraft Insecticide Phenothrin (NFAI Phenothrin) is a non-flammable aircraft approved insecticide compliant with International Health regulations, WHO’s recommendations and the latest EU regulations. It is recommended to be used for cabin and holds pre-departure disinsection as well as any necessary on-arrival cabin and cargo holds aircraft disinsection methods.

- EU No. 528/2012 biocidal regulation approved (March 2019).
- Non-flammable aerosol with dry diffusion for maximum efficacy.
- Compliant with International Health Regulations’ (IHR), World Health Organization’s (WHO) & IATA’s recommendations.
- 100% mortality with rapid knock-down effect.
- Effective on many flying and crawling insects (Aedes, Anopheles, Culex Mosquitoes; Musca Domestica…) known as vectors of serious diseases (Malaria, Zika, Dengue…).
- Compliant with Aircraft Manufacturer’s specifications.
- Available in various sizes, with single-shot or multi-shot nozzle, to optimize and perfect adapt quantity of insecticide used aircraft.
- Active ingredient : 2% w/w 1R-transphenothrin (CAS 26046-85-5)

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