Product description

Lumor® J Powder consists of finely divided fluorescent magnetic particles which will fluoresce brilliant yellow-green under ultraviolet radiation with a predominant wavelength of 365 nm. The particles have been selected for their high magnetic response, low coercivity (to avoid coagulation) and prolonged operational life.
Lumor® J Powder is used for the high-sensitivity detection of surface or near surface defects in ferro-magnetic materials.

Method of Use :
Heavy deposits of grease, rust, scale and paint should be removed prior to use. The surface of the components to be inspected should be cleaned prior to testing as any contamination on the component can mask indications and contaminate the magnetic particle ink.
Components are magnetized using the appropriate technique, whilst Lumor® J Powder ink is applied during magnetization. Application of the ink must be stopped before the magnetizing source is switched off to enable the particles to migrate to the area of flux leakage. Application of the prepared Lumor® J Powder may be by spray, flow-on or immersion. The component surfaces should be inspected under UVA (black) light of minimum output of 1000 µW/cm² and peak wavelength of 365 nm. The ambient light should also be less than 10 lux.
Note: Specification may vary. Check concentration and UVA/ambient light as per the applicable specification.

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