Oerlikon Metco’s nickel chromium aluminum bentonite thermal spray powders were developed to produce abradable
coatings for clearance control applications in the compressor
section of jet engines.
Clearance control coatings are used in applications where
rotating components may come into contact with the coating
as a result of design intent or operational surges. The coatings are designed to minimize the wear to the rotating components while maximizing gas path efficiency by providing
clearance control in seal areas.
Typical Uses and Applications :
- Coatings of NiCrAl / Bentonite have successfully been
used in the high-temperature, high-pressure section of jet
engine compressors for decades and have accumulated
millions of flight hours. Oerlikon Metco NiCrAl / Bentonite
is the reference compressor abradable material for applications in the temperature regime above 500 °C (930 °F).
- Abradable coatings for:
* Gas turbine high pressure compressor stages
(nickel-based alloy or steel blades)
* Steam turbine labyrinth seals
- Thermal barrier filler for honeycomb seals