- BioborJF® is a liquid fuel additive that combats fungus and other microbial life in hydrocarbon fuels such as
diesel and jet fuels.
- BioborJF® eliminates growth of harmful slime producing fungi that clog filters and pipelines, attack rubber
fuel system components and whose waste products aid in the corrosion of metal surfaces.
BioborJF® is simple to use and harmless to the wide variety of fuel system parts, top coatings, sealants and
elastomeric materials tested. It does not adversely affect fuel performance in any way.
- BioborJF® is an effective microbiocide because of its equilibrium solubility in both fuel and water under
conditions of fuel storage.
- BioborJF® is used by a large number of aircraft operators, airlines, ships, boats, trucking fleets, railroads,
bulk storage terminals, fuel suppliers and by other users of hydrocarbon fuels exposed to the possibility of
contamination by fungus and bacteria.
General usage :
If a system is badly contaminated, drain water bottoms thoroughly. Water bottoms in storage tanks should be
kept to a minimum. Good housekeeping is important in treating slime problems, but it is not a cure.
BioborJF® is used at 270*ppm in fuel to effect sterilization, and subsequently at 135*ppm to maintain
fungus-free fuel. Ideally, BioborJF® should be injected to ensure proportionality and even distribution
throughout the fuel tank. However, in the absence of metering equipment, BioborJF® may be batch-blended.
If batch-blended, as in tank trucks or small aircraft wing tanks, BioborJF® should be introduced while the
tank is being filled, after the tank is approximately 1/2 full. This will ensure faster and more complete