Spray 75 Adhesive is a pressure sensitive aerosol adhesive suitable for temporary
holding or positioning of lightweight materials for display, or prior to final assembly.
The product, when sprayed on one surface has a bonding range from 5 seconds to
several hours, and its low peel strength allows for even lightweight materials or
tissues to be lifted and repeatedly repositioned.
Spray 75 Adhesive is a clear adhesive which will not bleed through, stain or wrinkle
materials. This adhesive does not embrittle with age
Applications :
- Spray Adhesive 75 is suitable for bonding paper, tissue, cardboard, acetate film,
foils, fabrics, plastic sheeting, rubber etc. to themselves, and to metal, wood, glass
and rigid plastics.
- Spray Adhesive 75 is widely used in textile cutting rooms for holding patterns in
place instead of pinning them, and to prevent transfers moving during printing. It is
also used for affixing removable labels.