Product description

Introduction SGM494 is water-repellent, work-stable, non-melting, tasteless and odourless silicone grease for electrical insulation purposes; it may also be used for potable water supplies.

Key Features :
- Work stable after 24 hours at 200ºC
- Good low load lubrication
- Low bleed and weight loss
- Low level of toxicity

Typical Applications :
It is a very versatile grease that has been used successfully in many applications such as:
- Sealing electrical systems against water ingress
- Prevention of corona discharge
- Protection of insulation against corona discharge
- Potting of small electronic components
- Lubrication of electric cables through conduits
- Screw threads lubrication to prevent sticking and corrosion
- Packing of mineral fibre glands to prevent sticking
- Laboratory stop-cock lubrication - Vacuum sealing of ground glass joints

Effect on Materials SGM494 has little effect on metals and most plastics. It may, after prolonged contact with plasticised rubbers and plastics, have a slight effect due to plasticiser migration.

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