Dow Corning® 93-006-6 RF
Aerospace Sealant .
Two part, high viscosity, non-slump, high performance silicone
Dow Corning® 93-006-6 RF Aerospace
Sealant adheres well to primed
surfaces; typical materials include
glass, cured silicone rubber, cork,
phenolic, polyester, epoxy, silicone
resin laminates and most metals
including stainless steel, titanium and
aluminum. It may not adhere well to
polyethylene or certain plastics and
organic materials (including rubber),
which bleed or exude plasticizers.
Stronger and more uniform bonds are
obtained by preparing metal and plastic
surfaces with Dow Corning® PR-1200
Features :
- Longer Working Time .
- Two part room temperature cure .