Product description

XIAMETER™ PMX-200 Silicone Fluid, 50–1,000 cSt is a polydimethylsiloxane polymer manufactured to yield essentially linear polymers in a wide range of average kinematic viscosities.

The viscosities generally used in formulating polishes are between 100 and 30,000 cSt. To obtain optimum results, in terms of ease of application and depth of gloss, it is preferable to use a blend of a low-viscosity fluid and a high-viscosity fluid (e.g. 3 parts XIAMETER™ PMX-200 Silicone Fluid 100 cSt and 1 part XIAMETER™ PMX-200 Silicone Fluid 12,500 cSt). The low-viscosity silicone fluid acts as a lubricant to make polish application and rubout easier, whereas the high-viscosity silicone fluid produces a greater depth of gloss. Since these polymers are inherently water-repellent, they will cause water to bead up on a treated surface rather than penetrate the polish film.

Features & Benefits :
- Ease of application and rubout
- Ease of buffing
- Enhances color
- High water repellency
- High compressibility
- High shearability without breakdown
- High spreadability and compatibility
- Low environmental hazard
- Low fire hazard
- Low reactivity and vapor pressure
- Low surface energy
- Good heat stability
- Essentially odorless, tasteless and nontoxic
- Soluble in a wide range of solvents For personal care applications
- Imparts soft, velvety skin feel
- Spreads easily on both skin and hai
r - De-soaping (prevents foaming during rubout) For industrial applications
- High dielectric strength
- High damping action
- Oxidation-, chemical- and weather-resistant

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