Product description

EPON™ Resin 828 is an undiluted clear difunctional bisphenol A/epichlorohydrin derived liquid epoxy resin. When cross-linked or hardened with appropriate curing agents, very good mechanical, adhesive, dielectric and chemical resistance properties are obtained. Because of this versatility, EPON Resin 828 has become a standard epoxy resin used in formulation, fabrication and fusion technology.

Benefits :
Fiber reinforced pipes, tanks and composites
- Tooling, casting and molding compounds
- Construction, electrical and aerospace adhesives
- High solids/low VOC maintenance and marine coatings
- Electrical encapsulations and laminates
- Chemical resistant tank linings, flooring and grouts
- Base resin for epoxy fusion technology

- ASTM D1652
- ASTM D445
- ASTM D1544
- ASTM D1475

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