Product description

CHO-BOND 584-208 is a two-component, silver filled conductive epoxy adhesive system designed for applications where a strong, highly conductive electrical bond must be achieved. CHO-BOND 584-208 is recommended for applications which require a conductive epoxy with an extended working life such as high volume part dispensing or complex part assembly operations.

Curing of CHO-BOND 584-208 can be achieved in as little as 45 minutes with heat to minimize equipment downtime and increase manufacturing throughput. With a 1:1 weight mix ratio, CHO-BOND 584-208 is easy to handle and use. Typical applications include bonding and grounding of electrical components, cold soldering, and bonding and sealing machined enclosures.

Features and Benefits :
- Two component
- Fast heat cure, increases throughput, minimizes equipment downtime.
- Silver filler
- Epoxy
- 1:1 Weight mix ratio
-Medium paste
- No VOCs
- Good conductivity 0.002 ohm-cm
- 60 minute working life, works well over wide temperature range, good chemical resistance >1000 psi lap shear, good for permanently bonding surfaces.
- Easy to weigh out and mix
- May be dispensed out of very small needles, fill small cracks and voids. Can be used on overhead or vertical surfaces
- Minimal shrinkage, no permits or ventilation required

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