Product description

Shell Omala S2 GX oils are high quality extreme-pressure (EP) oils designed primarily for the lubrication of heavy duty industrial gearboxes. Their high load carrying capacity, protection against micropitting and compatibility with seals and paints, combine to offer excellent performance in enclosed gear applications.

Features & Benefits :
- Long oil life through oxidation stability and resistance to thermal stress – leading to reduced total cost of ownership
- Excellent wear and micropitting protection
- Gear system efficiency is maintained by optimized water separation performance, corrosion and foam control

Application :
- Enclosed industrial gear systems

Specifications, Approvals & Recommendations :
-ISO 12925-1 Type CKC (ISO 680)
- DIN 51517- Part 3 CLP (ISO 680)
- AGMA EP 9005- F16 (ISO 680)
- Fives Cincinnati: P-34 (ISO 680)

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