Bonderite D18A provides a bonded lubricating film of Molybdenum Disulphide to protect
components against pick up and seizure during the critical assembly and running-in stages
of a wide range of operations.
It is supplied in aerosol form for convenient and speedy application.
Applications :
- Assembly Lubrication : All plain bearings and sliding surfaces e.g. splines, cams, gears, chains, screw jacks,
eccentrics, joints and hinges, keys and wedges, sliding and reciprocating mechanisms in
Press fitting of bushes, liners and shafts.
- Machine Shop and Tool Room : Pretreatment of slides and guides, press tools and ejector mechanisms.
- Service Lubrication : Textile machinery. Paper handling and converting machinery,
Computers, office and accounting machinery,
Cement works,
Food and confectionery processing plant,
Cigarette, tobacco and similar packaging machines