Zyglo ZL-27A is designed to be impervious to water to protect it from overwashing and to allow more penetrant to remain in discontinuities for improved detection of small defects. It and other post emulsifiable penetrants require the application of a lipophilic or hydrophilic emulsifier to render them washable with water. Penetrant Sensitivity Level: Level 3 - High Sensitivity.
ZL-27A fluoresces bright greenish-yellow under an ultraviolet light source with a peak wavelength of 365 nm. It possesses a high flash point and meets OSHA requirements for Class III B liquids allowing it to be used in open dip tanks.
Type 1, Method B Penetrant when using ZE-4B emulsifier. Type 1, Method D Penetrant when using ZR-10B (20%) remover.
Zyglo ZL-27A is typically used on castings, forgings, extrusions and rough machined surfaces to find cracks, seams, laps, laminations and porosity.
Specification Compliance:
AMS 2644, AECL, ASME B & PV Code Sec. V, ASTM E1417, MIL-STD-2132, ASTM E165, MIL-STD-271, Boeing BAC 5423 PSD 6-46 or 8-4, AECL, Boeing PS 21202.