Alumigrip 4200 is a 3-component Low VOC (high solid) durable polyurethane topcoat that provides
premium gloss and Distinctness of Image (DOI) designed to meet and exceed the expectations of the
General Aviation (GA) industry.
- Optimal application properties in different environmental conditions
- Buffable
- Extended durability / UV resistance
- Resistant to aircraft hydraulic fluids and chemicals
- Compatible with Alumigrip 4450 Clearcoat
Components :
- Base Alumigrip 4200
- Curing Solution Curing Solution Alumigrip PC-242
- Activator Activator A4950 (AC-139)
- Activator Activator A4951
- Activator Activator A4952
- Activator Activator A4953
- Activator Activator A4954