Product description

Turco INO 79 is a fast drying , safety solvent used as a cleaner for mechanical parts.

Properties :
Turco INO 79 is an light yellow clear liquid , which dries quickly and will not leave any residue on the cleaned parts. Turco INO 79 is very suitable for garages and repair shops, since it is safe on all metals, rubber, plastics and good quality paints. lt contains no chlorinated solvents, so it can also be used on titanium or titanium­alloy

How to use:
Turco INO 79 is normally used as received by a spray- unit or by means of brush . However, since it is lighter than water , it can also be effectively used as an immersion cleaner by floating it on a water bath. When used in this ways, IND 79 is self filtering. The soil settles to the bottom. For the best performance the water should be discarded and replaced periodically. lmmersion tanks should be covered when not in use to avoid evaporation.

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