ShellSol D100
ShellSol D100 consists predominantly of C13- C15 paraffins and
naphthenes. Deep hydrogenation gives this solvent a very low aromatic
content, negligible amount of reactive impurities and a low, sweet
Quality :
ShellSol D100 as produced, meets the volatile organic compound (VOC) exemption criteria and
definition of LVP-VOC as established in CARB's Consumer Products Regulation; in the USEPA's
National Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Standards for Consumer Products; and in the Model
Rule for Consumer Products as adopted by the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) . Due to their low
volatility and photochemical reactivity, these LVP-VOCs are fully exempt and non-reportable VOCs in
calculations of the VOC contents of regulated consumer product categories.
ShellSol D100 does not contain detectable quantities of polycyclic aromatics, heavy metals or
chlorinated compounds.