Product description

SermaLoy™ J diffused slurry aluminide coating has a unique silicon-enriched outer layer. It is effective in protecting gas turbine hot section components at temperatures up to 1835°F (1000°C).

Advantages :
Excellent resistance to both high- and low-temperature hot corrosion (LTHC and HTHC)
- Excellent resistance to hightemperature oxidation
- Excellent resistance to particulate erosion
- Compatibility with most nickeland cobalt-based superalloys, as well as austenitic stainless steels
- Flexibility of diffusion processing that eliminates the need for resolutioning/ precipitation/aging heat treatments

Applications :
- Using a slurry greatly simplifies masking and allows selective coating of very localized regions – which is ideal for restoration – or alternatively, large areas like ducts and burner cans.
The SermaLoy J slurry aluminide can be formed between 1600°F and 1835°F (870°C and 1000°C). Diffusion cycles may be tailored to each alloy and application. Expensive resolutioning, precipitation, and aging treatments can be avoided by diffusing around SermaLoy J slurry aluminide on WaspaLoy (diffused at 1625°F (885°C) for 2 hours). Backscatter electron image, 1000X. 1600°F (870°C). This relatively low diffusion temperature not only eliminates the microstructure changes associated with hightemperature aluminizing processes, but also allows brazed components to be refurbished without risking damage to the brazed joints.

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