Product description

SC-1090 is a preservation topcoat designed to be used in conjunction with SC-1074A-2, SC-1074B-1 or SC-1074B-2 peelable preservation basecoats for protection of plastic, metal, porcelain and painted surfaces during in-plant fabrication, operation, shipping and storage. SC-1090 serves two purposes in the peelable preservation system. It waterproofs the preservation basecoat, and since it forms an opaque white film, it provides both light and heat reflection to the system. SC-1090 increases the weather- ability of the peelable preservation basecoat.

SC-1090 can be applied over the preservation basecoat before it is fully dry. Therefore, it permits a very short application cycle. SC-1090 has the ability to dry rapidly to a rain resistant coating while at the same time allowing the SC-1074A-2, SC-1074B-1 or SC- 1074B-2 to continue drying beneath it.

Pinholes or breaks can be patched using SC-247-2 brushable touch-up preservation topcoat.
 Water-base

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