5014 PU Surfacer
5014 is a two pack polyurethane sanding surfacer that provides an improved
appearance to aluminium when used over P99 and PAC33. 5014 is also suitable for
use over epoxy, polyester and polyamide composite surfaces.
- Highly flexible
- Water resistant
- Good fluid resistance including phosphate ester hydraulic fluids
- Transparent to ultrasound & radar
Mix Ratio (by volume) :
- 5425/0000 (Base) 2 parts
- 0707/9000 (Activator) 1 part
- 0491/9000 (Thinner) 1 part
Specifications :
- ASNA 4251
- BLGG 900101
- WL5.7140
- AIMS 04-04-002
- AIMS 04-04-011