Product description

TURCO ALKALINE RUST REMOVER is a free flowing granular mix formulated to remove paint, shop soils, rust and light scale from jet engine parts by immersion methods.
TURCO ALKALINE RUST REMOVER is highly alkaline and should not be used on tin, aluminum, zinc or any alloy containing these metals as the major constituents.
TURCO ALKALINE RUST REMOVER will not attack ferrous alloys, magnesium alloys , stainless steels, brass, bronze or Monel alloys when used as directed. TURCO ALKALINE RUST REMOVER can be used on titanium alloys at up to 8 ounces per gallon of water at temperatures up to 170°F (77°C).

TURCO ALKALINE RUST REMOVER offers these features:
- Nonflammable in powdered or solution form
- Readily soluble in cold water at recommended concentrations.
- Easily rinses from parts with high pressure water or by immersion methods.
- Removes Sermetal W.
Solution is controlled by simple titration.

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