Etchant and deoxidizer for Aluminum
The Ardrox®
295GD process is a liquid concentrated acidic multi-component product for the
etching and deoxidizing of aluminum alloys after cleaning or etching. The Ardrox®
295GD is free of
chromates and can be used instead of “sulfuric-chromic” processes. The Ardrox®
295GD is used
to prepare the surface prior to welding, bonding and conversion coatings, such as anodizing,
chromate conversion coating or the new trivalent chrome or non-chrome processes.
Application :
- Ardrox®
295GD can be used at room temperature and up to 40°C. The depth of etch will increase
with the temperature of the bath. Dip the parts for the relevant time to achieve the desired depth of
etch (cf. the curve reported below). In order to ensure a good homogeneity, it is recommended to
agitate the bath for the duration of the treatment. After etching, parts must be rinsed with DI water.
Specifications :
- AIRBUS AIPI 02-01-003
- AIRBUS UK ABP 8-1296