ARDROX 204 is a versatile general purpose paint remover for use by brush application. It will remove a
wide range of paint finishes including chromate primers. ARDROX 204 is water rinseable making its
removal easy and leaving a clean surface.
ARDROX 204 is not suitable for removing paint from plastic materials, including glass fibre and carbon
fibre reinforced laminates.
Method of use :
ARDROX 204 should be applied liberally with a brush and allowed to remain in contact with the paint
until it has blistered. It is preferable to remove the bulk of the loosened paint with a non-metallic scraper
before rinsing with a jet of water. Where a multi-coat system has to be removed, it may be necessary to
use more than one application of ARDROX 204.ARDROX 204 will give best results when used at
ambient temperature (20 C).