Product description

Tectyl 437D is a hot application corrosion preventive compound which provides an effective barrier against atmospheric corrosion. The film is semi-firm, tan in color, and opaque. Tectyl 437D is covered under Military Specification MIL-C11796C, Class 3, QPL Reference Number M6154.

Surface Preparation :
The maximum performance of TECTYL 437D can be achieved only when the metal surfaces to be protected are clean, dry, and free of rust, oil, and mill scale. Daubert Chemical Company recommends that the metal substrate temperature be 50 - 95 F (10 - 35 C) at the time of product application.

Application :
TECTYL 437D should be applied to clean, dry metal surfaces in the hot (molten) state by hot airless spray or dip. (See application temperatures under Lab Data.) TECTYL 437D can be applied at warm, ambient temperatures by brush or swab.

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