Lubri-Bond 220 is an air drying, MoS2 based solid film lubricant with an epoxy binder system.
Features :
- Lubri-Bond 220 provides good corrosion resistance and performs best in higher load carrying applications.
- Ideal for applications that do not require a thermally cured coating .
- Lubri-Bond 220 is also an excellent touch-up lubricant for many of our thermally cured products.
- Good corrosion resistance
- Fair chemical resistance .
- Suitable for field applications .
- Ideal for higher load carrying applications .
- Lubri-Bond 220 is qualified to MIL-L-23398 .
Applications :
- Tooling, brackets and wear plates .
- Guide and sliding rails .
- Seals, clamps, and couplings.
- Bearings, gears, splines and cams
Markets .