Product description

Ardrox 1218
Inhibited acid rust and scale remover

ARDROX 1218 is a blend of phosphoric acid and inhibitors. It will remove rust, heat treatment scale and welding scale from ferrous metals. Corrosion products on aluminium, copper and zinc alloys may also be removed.

ARDROX 1218 is especially suitable for use on chromium plated ferrous materials and ferrous surfaces which require very close tolerances.

Method of use :
- ARDROX 1218 is normally used diluted with water at a strength of between 10% and 50% (v/v). The actual concentration required will depend upon the amount of rust, scale or other corrosion to be removed. ARDROX 1218 may be used at temperatures from ambient to 60°C. At the higher temperatures the rate of removal of rust etc. will be greatly increased.
- If components for treatment have any oil or grease on them, this should be removed prior to treatment by use of a cleaning agent such as ARDROX 9PR50A (solvent cleaner) or ARDROX 6333 (detergent cleaner).
- Treatment in ARDROX 1218 should be followed by thorough rinsing in hot water. Components should then be dried as quickly as possible in order to prevent rusting. A dewatering/short term protective compound such as ARDROX 3961 may also be used to prevent corrosion occurring. Longer term protection may be obtained by subsequent treatment in ARDROX 311 or ARDROX 3302.

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