Product description

LPS® Electro 140° contact cleaner is ideal for cleaning coin counters/chutes, connectors, contacts, fluid systems, magnetic tape heads, office equipment, printed circuits, relays and controls, semiconductor assemblies, switches and telephone equipment. It has a chemical composition that delivers powerful cleaning results. It has a specific gravity of 0.78 to 0.81 at 20 degrees C. This mild ether-like odored cleaner has 96.8% VOC contents that evaporate without leaving any residues or stains. It can be stored at a temperature of 120 degrees F. This clear, non-conductive liquid cleaner comes in an 11-ounce aerosol can.

- Ensures excellent wetting and penetrating action Evaporation is controlled
- Inverta spray valve makes application easier by allowing the user to spray in upright or inverted position
- 1.2% LEL and 13.1% UEL flammability limit
- Vapor density of 5.1
- Vapor pressure of 0.49 millimeters Hg at 20 degrees C

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