A faster drying Lotoxane® variant which evaporates
6 times faster than standard Lotoxane®
LOTOXANE® XF is a high quality solvent
degreaser that offers professional users
a versatile alternative to more hazardous
products. It is widely approved by major OEMs
for production and maintenance cleaning.
Advantages :
- Reduced hazard to user
- Flash point 27ºC
- Effectively replaces thinners, MEK, toluene and other more
hazardous solvents
- Helps in reducing VOCs’
Typical Applications :
- Removal of oils, greases, machining fluids and general
contamination in manufacturing process
- Pre cleaning prior to NDT or inspection
- Removal of temporary protective coatings/de-waxing; Cleaning
prior to painting or bonding operations
- Degreasing of machinery, components and assemblies during
maintenance and repair
-Cleaning electrical and electronic equipment
- De-watering components and electrical systems