Insecticide for crawling insects
- Specially designed to destroy crawling insects with complete efficiency.
- Non-flammable
- Professional use
- Active substances are released slowly, which gives the insecticide very good
persistent effect.
- Is applied "upside down" to target the areas to be treated.
- One-shot diffuser for easy use
- It is particularly suitable treating aircraft (holds, galleys), kitchens, bars,
cupboards and all exposed areas.
- Aeronautical standards: compliant with AIRBUS (CML) and AMS 1450A standards.
- Registered with the French Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
(MEDDE) - Inventory N° 3735 / Product Type 18 – As part of EU Biocidal Product
Regulation n°528/2012.
- Carry out thorough cleaning. Do not forget rails, behind trolleys, the castors, etc.
- Hold the spray "upside down".
- Spray by criss-crossing the surfaces to be treated identifying the places frequented by
insects (damp areas or where there is food).
- Reapply 3 times, every 2 to 3 weeks. The spray can is equipped with a special valve and
can therefore be used in all positions.