B&B TC-100N-3-RTU is a ready-to-use aqueous cleaner developed to provide aircraft, marine, power generating and other industries with a turbine engine gas path cleaning compound for off-line (starter cranked) and for on-line (fired) engine cleaning. When used as directed, it is effective in cleaning compressor blades, stators, air passages, etc. in turbine engines. Safeguards against abnormal temperature increases, power loss and increases in fuel consumption.
Features :
- Ready to use
- Removes salt, oil and solid deposits
- Military qualified
- Non-flammable
- Low EHS impact
- May be used for crank and hot-running washing
MIL-PRF-85704, Cleaning Compound, Turbine Engine Gas Path, Type II RTU Ready-to-use aqueous cleaner containing no hydrocarbon solvents for starter cranked engine, cleaning operations only, Type III RTU Ready-to-use aqueous cleaner containing no hydrocarbon solvents for use in on-line (fired) engine cleaning of specifically approved engines
NSN # 7930-01-412-2367 (5g)