Ardrox® 9PR70
ARDROX 9PR70 is a water-white, clear, mobile liquid. It is non-chlorinated and has a low sulphur,
halogen and alkali metal content. It has a high flash point and is classed as non-flammable.
ARDROX 9PR70 is a solvent penetrant remover used for the removal of both visible red dye and
fluorescent penetrants. It can also be used as a solvent precleaner to remove oils and greases.
ARDROX 9PR70 is safe to use on all common metals, including stainless and mild steels, magnesium,
aluminium, copper and cadmium. ARDROX 9PR70 may have a softening or swelling effect on some
rubbers and plastics. This should be checked before use, where such materials are likely to be
-AMS 2644
-ASTM E165
-NAVSEA 250-1500-1
-ASME Pressure Vessel & Boiler Code