ArmaKleen™ M-HP-2 is the lowest foaming spray cleaner in the ArmaKleen line of products and can be used in High-Pressure cabinet washers with spray pressures above 60 psi. ArmaKleen M-HP-2 meets MIL-C-29602 titled “Cleaning Compounds for Parts Washers and Spray Cabinets”. This versatile aqueous cleaner is effective on a variety of soils and is safe on steel, aluminum, brass and copper. M-HP-2 effectively splits oil and can be used with oil skimming, coalescing and other filtration systems to extend cleaner bath life. Spray washing applications that continually foam even with the addition of defoamer should consider switching to ArmaKleen M-HP-2.
When left on metal surfaces, ArmaKleen M-HP-2 provides temporary indoor rust protection during storage and between operations. The amount of rust protection is dependent on many variables including the environmental condition of the storage facility.